Prophets and Reconcilers

John Lam­p­en, writ­ing in The Friend, makes a use­ful dis­tinc­tion between two modes of Quak­er peace­mak­ing.

Friends who are called to be prophets can’t be neu­tral; they iden­ti­fy some­thing which is wrong and speak out clear­ly against it. Those who rec­on­cile are heal­ers; they look for com­mon ground on which con­tes­tants can meet, find agree­ment, and hope­ful­ly put the past behind them. Both roles are nec­es­sary; both are impor­tant aspects of Quak­er witness.

Lam­p­en argues that we are called to both of these forms of peace­mak­ing but that they exist in a ten­sion that often requires us to choose one at a time and he shares sto­ries of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion work he did in North­ern Ireland.


Posted April 6th, 2024 , in Quaker.