Quaker cultures and young Friends

Emi­ly Provance is back talk­ing about the dis­con­nect between dif­fer­ent Quak­er subcultures:

In oth­er words, as far as your per­son­al expe­ri­ence tells you, Quak­er meet­ing is sup­posed to be about fun and excite­ment — but sud­den­ly, you’re see­ing plan­ning and struc­ture instead. Quak­er meet­ing is sup­posed to be about light-heartedness — but sud­den­ly, you’re see­ing method­i­cal rule-following. Quak­er meet­ing is sup­posed to be about play­ful­ness — but sud­den­ly, you’re see­ing cau­tious cooperation. 

Last month I talked a lit­tle bit about the prob­lem when Quak­er youth cul­ture and meet­ing cul­ture don’t quite line up.

Tran­si­tions: An Appli­ca­tion of Cul­tur­al Theory