Remembering Feisty

Our 2 – 1/2 year old kit­ty Feisty passed away overnight after we rushed him to an emer­gency 24-hour ani­mal hos­pi­tal. He was a good kit­ty and we’re miss­ing him. He was always play­ful, ath­let­ic, and loy­al. He was also quite media-savvy. He liked chill­ing out Frasi­er in the evenings, par­tic­i­pat­ing in our Zoom calls with Theo off at col­lege, and par­tic­i­pat­ing in the kit­ty cat step block­ade with his step-siblings. 

Feisty came to us as a lit­ter of four kit­tens born behind our garage. When the mom seemed to leave them, we took them in and nursed them back to health. There was one who was adorably pro­tec­tive, hiss­ing at us when we came to help and we instant­ly named him Feisty. Of the four one did­n’t make it, two were adopt­ed out, and one — the feisty one — we brought into our home.

Posted March 23rd, 2023 , in Family.