The FGC Gathering today and tomorrow

A nice write-up about the Friends Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence Gath­er­ing in Friends Jour­nal by this year’s coor­di­na­tor, Liz Dykes. The Gath­er­ing has been the week-long “sum­mer camp for Lib­er­al Quak­ers” for over a cen­tu­ry but its trend lines have grown wor­ri­some. Even before COVID, atten­dance has been steadi­ly drop­ping. This year Liz reports that only 540 peo­ple came, which is a good num­ber con­sid­er­ing it was at a West Coast loca­tion, far from the mass of U.S. Quak­ers. But it’s a far cry from the high of the 2001 Gath­er­ing’s 1,920 atten­dees (includ­ing me and my then-fiancee, who had met at the pre­vi­ous Gathering). 

FGC has been watch­ing the trend lines, of course, and writ­ing up reports. COVID turned every­thing upside down for a few years. But final­ly there’s some big changes. Next year’s Gath­er­ing will be at Haver­ford Col­lege right out­side Philly, which puts it with­in a local train ride of a whole lot of Quak­ers. There was a time when prox­im­i­ty alone would have nixed the loca­tion, as it might have attract­ed too many Friends (and com­pete with Philadel­phia Year­ly Meet­ing’s annu­al ses­sions, which have become Gathering-like in recent decades), but times are a’chang­ing. I’m pleas­ant­ly sur­prised that a his­tor­i­cal­ly Quak­er school like Haver­ford is host, as I would have thought cost and size would be a prob­lem, but I’m glad for it. Future Gath­er­ings will be every oth­er year, which also seems like a good exper­i­ment: being a bit more rare, it can be a treat to go. 

I’m glad changes are final­ly being tried and wish FGC all the best. The Gath­er­ing has had an impor­tant role in Quak­er life — and not just for the meets-cute of future couples.

Posted August 6th, 2023 , in Quaker.