The Quaker yet to be convinced

Rashid Darden’s new Quak­er­S­peak inter­views is real­ly great. He says a lot of things I’ve been say­ing over the years but with more elo­quence and concision. 

The Quak­er faith is not a coun­try club. It’s not a lega­cy soci­ety. The most impor­tant Quak­er is the friend who is yet to be con­vinced. My per­son­al min­istry is one that is so con­vinced that Quak­erism is one of the best pos­si­ble paths to take that it would be wrong for me to keep qui­et about it. 

I remem­ber the first time I real­ized my out­reach work had to be more con­cerned about poten­tial Quak­ers than actu­al ones. It changes the cal­cu­lus on a lot of deci­sions and can be a bit dan­ger­ous if the cur­rent ones don’t think any­thing needs to change. 

Posted August 17th, 2023 , in Quaker.