Two social networks?

I recent­ly read an opin­ion­at­ed bit of advice that has stuck with me: it was that con­tent cre­ators should focus their atten­tion on only two social net­works. It’s felt wise, espe­cial­ly in this odd moment in which Twit­ter has implod­ed and we have a pro­lif­er­a­tion of ser­vices hop­ing to suc­ceed it in it’s role as “town square.” Ten years ago if I had some­thing to share I would post it to both Twit­ter and Face­book. Now there’s just too many con­tenders; I’d spend half an hour post­ing any link.

So what would my two be? This Quak­er­Ran­ter newsletter/blog should be one. It’s a place to share ideas unfil­tered by Sil­i­con Val­ley algo­rithms.  But the sec­ond? Is Face­book still the place where enough peo­ple con­gre­gate to make it essen­tial despite its many draw­backs? Red­dit is still inter­est­ing despite some recent con­tro­ver­sial moves by its owners. 

A third place might be Quak­erQuak­er. Update: I’ve moved the domain name to a new serv­er, which means there’s actu­al­ly a “site under con­struc­tion” notice. The archives will be next. 

Posted August 24th, 2023 , in Quaker.