Updating QuakerQuaker

I just sent out a mes­sage on Quak­erQuak­er about retool­ing it for the mod­ern age:

I’m not one to make New Years res­o­lu­tions most of the time but it seems as if mod­ern­iz­ing Quak­erQuak­er should be one for 2023. While it still boasts over 3,700 mem­bers, it’s built on Ning, a long-outdated and semi-abandoned plat­form that has any num­ber of frus­trat­ing tech­ni­cal lim­i­ta­tions. Quak­erQuak­er isn’t used as much as it should be, even by its members.

Reimag­in­ing Quak­erQuak­er and set­ting up the tools to make it work will cost some mon­ey. Please con­sid­er fund­ing Quak­erQuak­er and its evo­lu­tion for 2023, either as a month­ly dona­tion or a one-time gift. Also I’m open to emails with ideas about what you’d like to see (I’m imag­in­ing some­thing that’s more mod­est but also more used).

I had a much-longer orig­i­nal draft that detailed all the rea­sons why Ning is hope­less­ly inad­e­quate in 2023 but it was nixed by my Advance­ment Direc­tor (okay, my wife as she sits next to me at the table work­ing on home­school cur­ric­u­la). Suf­fice it to say that I’ve let Quak­erQuak­er stay in a kind of sta­sis because I did­n’t want to lose some great com­ment threads. The best ones could be eas­i­ly archived. I have a day job pro­duc­ing great Quak­er con­tent but there are still ways to reboot Quak­erQuak­er and make it a use­ful des­ti­na­tion for infor­ma­tion and con­ver­sa­tion that com­ple­ments oth­er Quak­er online spaces.

Posted January 4th, 2023 , in Quaker.