War and Peace

Over on the Crop­well Meet­ing web­site, sto­ries and pic­tures from a talk George Rubin gave this past week­end. George is a dear friend, a mem­ber of Med­ford (N.J.) Meet­ing, and a for­mer Friends Jour­nal trustee. But in the win­ter of 1944 – 45, he was a 19 year old kid from Brook­lyn fly­ing through heavy flak in a B‑17G Fly­ing Fortress over Munich. His expe­ri­ences as a bomber and pris­on­er of war turned him into a com­mit­ted paci­fist: “Human beings are too pre­cious” he told us. I tried to tran­scribe as quick­ly as he spoke, tak­ing pic­tures in the paus­es in between sen­tences. It’s all quite a story.

Posted April 4th, 2023 , in Quaker.