We Began to Sing

There’s a 24 minute film about the music min­istry of Friends Annie Pat­ter­son and Peter Blood (and by exten­sion Pete Seeger) pre­mier­ing as a YouTube Live event this Sun­day. Here’s part of Peter Blood­’s email to me:

I thought Friends would want to know that the live world pre­mier of the film “We Began to Sing” is hap­pen­ing this com­ing Sun­day May 3rd at 3pm EDT. (Pete Seeger’s 101st birthday)

The film includes footage of time we spent with Pete Seeger at his home before his death and from a num­ber of our sin­ga­long con­certs includ­ing ones orga­nized Friends meet­ings in Toron­to and in Burling­ton. We talk a lot about how our work is con­nect­ed to Quak­er tes­ti­monies around peace, racial jus­tice, etc. 

After the 25 minute film there will be a dis­cus­sion on how peo­ple are car­ry­ing on this work with the film’s direc­tor and 4 oth­er musi­cian activists: Reg­gie Har­ris, Emma’s Rev­o­lu­tion, and Bil­ly Bragg.

Here’s the YouTube Live link. You can check out the trail­er here:

Posted April 27th, 2020 , in Quaker.