Weekend online retreat on Integrity, now with scholarships

I’ve been told there’s now schol­ar­ship mon­ey avail­able for this week­end’s online retreat — and even a buy-one-get-one sale (I’ve nev­er been BOGO’ed before!). It starts at 7pm Fri­day night — come join us.

I must admit I used to get some of my leather-free shoes at Pay­less’s BOGO sales.

From the expand­ed description:

Have you felt anx­ious about some­thing you think might be true, won­dered about shar­ing this — and how you might share the truth with wis­dom — and even if you can believe the hard truth your­self? Join the senior edi­tor of Friends Jour­nal, Mar­tin Kel­ley, in a three part online retreat on fac­ing the truth when the truth is hard to face. It is about find­ing integrity.

Times are 7 – 8pm East­ern Fri­day the 10th (how does the truth pros­per with thee?) and 12 – 2 (the truth with­in us) and again at 3 – 5pm East­ern on Sat­ur­day the 11th (speak­ing truth in the world). Reg­is­ter here: https://​www​.pow​ell​house​.org/​t​e​s​t​i​m​o​n​i​e​s​-​t​o​-​m​e​rcy

This vir­tu­al retreat on truth is part of the Tes­ti­monies to Mer­cy series spon­sored by Pow­ell House and Ben Lomond Quak­er cen­ters and con­vened by pub­lic min­is­ter Windy Cool­er. This retreat is nor­mal­ly $125 to attend because we are com­pen­sat­ing for labor but we have some mon­ey for schol­ar­ships now and we are also offer­ing Buy One Get One: if you reg­is­ter you can choose a friend to bring with you for free. If you have ques­tions or need some help with a schol­ar­ship please get in touch with Windy here or at Windy­Cool­er at gmail.
