Mid-early November Links

You want some mag­ic? I’d been curi­ous about this five-minute baguette recipe since it made the social media rounds a few weeks ago and have made it twice in the last week. It real­ly is super quick to mix and the results are heav­en­ly: crispy on the out­side and chewy on the inside. Bakery-quality bread from a nor­mal kitchen oven with four ingre­di­ents and almost no work. 

RIP Tum­blr, more or less. Such a battered-about social net­work, even Automat­tic could­n’t bring back the mag­ic. I had­n’t know their plans to fed­er­ate Tum­blr with Mastodon were dropped with­in 48 hours of the first announce­ment. Via Kot­tke.

New York Year­ly Meet­ing’s Spark mag­a­zine has an issue on the peace tes­ti­mo­ny. I need to work my way through but Nadine Hoover’s “Peace is Pos­si­ble,” Joseph Ole­jak’s “Peace Wit­ness Fatigue,” and Don Bad­g­ley’s “Peace Be with You” look good. Let me know in the com­ments if you rec­om­mend others. 

Fic­tion month con­tin­ues at Friends Jour­nal, and this week we have two gems: Michael Soi­ka gives a har­row­ing tale of the life of a East­ern Euro­pean coal-mining fam­i­ly in West Vir­ginia on the brink of ruin (the AFSC cameo is legit). A mod­ern Friend appears in Vic­ki Winslow’s ten­der sto­ry of a Quak­er min­is­ter work­ing through grief and get­ting an unex­pect­ed les­son in open doors and ready food.

Also, do you have some­thing to say about Quak­er prayer and heal­ing? Sub­mis­sions are open for the March Friends Jour­nal (due Dec. 18). Please for­ward this link to any­one who might be interested.

Posted November 9th, 2023 , in Quaker.