
  • In a new Quak­er­S­peak, Lynette Davis dis­cuss­es how writ­ing is a spir­i­tu­al prac­tice for her that she does in com­mu­nion with God as a cre­ative spirit.
  • Friends Jour­nal is still look­ing for arti­cles about atti­tudes toward Quak­er founder George Fox as we mark the 400th anniver­sary of his birth. How do we appre­ci­ate him? Mis­use him? Ignore him? Does he unite or divide us all these cen­turies lat­er? The dead­line is March 25. Learn more here.
  • A new install­ment of Windy Cool­er’s series on pub­lic min­is­ters is avail­able on the FGC web­site. This time she, Ash­ley Wilcox, and Katie Bres­lin ask How are Meet­ings and Quak­er Insti­tu­tions Sup­port­ing Pub­lic Min­istry? I’ve writ­ten about parts one and two of this series before.
Posted March 11th, 2024 , in Quaker.