QuakerQuaker migration starting soon, can you help?

Quak­erQuak­er fans, it’s time to start the migra­tion of Quak­erQuak­er to a new online plat­form. It start­ed on Ning in almost 15 years ago. That’s for­ev­er in inter­net years!

The first stage will be archiv­ing the con­ver­sa­tions cur­rent­ly on Quak­erQuak­er. There are many year’s worth of great blog posts and invalu­able dis­cus­sion threads. A recent tool built to exam­ine the source mate­r­i­al for all the new AI chat bots found that Quak­erQuak­er is the inter­net’s sec­ond largest online Quak­er archive. I want to try to keep that — not for the bots, but for Friends and seek­ers want­i­ng to learn about Quakerism.

I will need your help. Dona­tions are down this year. And there are new costs if we are to keep this work going: one-time costs for archiv­ing apps and dis­cus­sion plat­forms, and new ongo­ing bills for get­ting us all con­nect­ed by email again.

Back when Quak­erQuak­er start­ed I wrote a bit of a mis­sion state­ment. I’ll leave it here for you to re-read. If you think this work con­tin­ues to be impor­tant, please help. You can do so here: https://​www​.pay​pal​.com/​d​o​n​a​t​e​/​?​h​o​s​t​e​d​_​b​u​t​t​o​n​_​i​d​=​R​W​9​6​R​E​8​6​Y​E​FJA

Quak­erism is an expe­ri­en­tial reli­gion: we believe we should “let our lives speak” and we stay away from creeds and doc­tri­nal state­ments. The best way to learn what Quak­ers believe is through lis­ten­ing in on our conversations.

In the last few years, dozens of Quak­ers have begun shar­ing sto­ries, frus­tra­tions, hopes and dreams for our reli­gious soci­ety through blogs. The con­ver­sa­tions have been amaz­ing. There’s a pal­pa­ble sense of renew­al and excite­ment. Quak­erQuak­er is a dai­ly index to that conversation.