Later November Links

Matt Rosen on trav­el­ing in the min­istry in Britain. “Since Friends rarely trav­el in the min­istry in Britain, part of the min­istry has to be explain­ing this prac­tice. That’s a joy for me, because I believe that the trav­el­ling min­istry is a vital wit­ness to our con­nect­ed­ness as a year­ly meet­ing and a live option in the twenty-first cen­tu­ry.” Matt also has an arti­cle on gospel order in this week’s The Friend.

The sto­ry of the first for­mal Quak­er protest against slav­ery—and the repeat­ed­ly lost orig­i­nal document. 

On Friends Jour­nal, Lynn Gazis has a short sto­ry on a teenag­er try­ing to under­stand the con­trac­tions of her quar­ru­lous Quak­er grand­moth­er and Anne E.G. Nydam is back with a retelling of an old Greek sto­ry. Mary Ann Downey reflects on why it’s hard for her to ask for help.

A new Quak­er­S­peak comes Thursday.

Posted November 20th, 2023 , in Quaker.